miércoles, 15 de junio de 2011

The Lake District National Park

  Last weekend I went to this amazing National Park. In this place I had a great time with nature and animals, it was really thrilling and beautiful. I really recommend seeing it.
  This National Park called "The Lake District National Park" had the most gorgeous and huge landscapes I have ever seen in my whole life. In this wonderful place I have seen the most beautiful creatures.
  The Lake District National Park owes its landscape to glaciations which happened millions of years ago. Personally I found this little trip really enjoyable. I made it last weekend but it was a little crowded because 12 millions people visit this place every year.
  I really recommend going to The Lake District National Park because here, in this place, people grevery. Also I found it very interesting because I learnt a lot about nature.

lunes, 6 de junio de 2011

Article: My Favourute Place at Home

My favourite place at home is my bedroom. This is my favourite place because there is were you sleep and you have your own things and privacy.
But what i don´t like of my bedroom because i have to sharte it with my brother and sometimes he don´t let me use the computer and i get very angry.

Article: The Best Movie Ever

In my opoinion the best movie ever is Avatar. I think that Avatar is the best movie ever because it has very good graphies and the setting is very creative.
Also it is the best movie because the story is very googd and the actors too. The part i like most is when he starts learning their culture.