sábado, 20 de agosto de 2011

Report about the ways of recruiting youung people


The purpose of this report is to show ways of recruiting young people to the Nazi party by knowing their food likes and sport likes.


Nowadays teenagers like eating a lot of food. They like sweats, salads, milanesa, hamburgers, ice-cram, and a lot of more meals. We should make a survey to know and buy what they like to eat.


Teenagers nowadays, like a lot of different sports. Such us rugby, football, cricket, volley, basquet, and a lot other sports. We could buy some pitches and teenagers could play there.


Teenagers have a lot of likes in sports and food. So I recomend to say in a speech that you are going to build more rugby and football pitches for them and that in the Nazi party they can have a lot of food for everyone.

Article: Rio de Janeiro

Rio de Janeiro is situated arround a huge natural harbour of Guanabar but this doesn`t matters , what maters is if you have gone or not , I have been there and it is not as beatiful as you think.
In Rio de Janeiro there is half-a millon people homelles , over 1 millon live in favells and others 1 millons is poor-quality. Favells are informal shanty-type settlements. When I saw all this people , beegin only for 1 cent of dolar or just a pice of cloth and leaving in this conditions , I felt very dissapointed becuase , I thought it wouldn`t be like this .
The only thing that I liked is that there is a strong community spirit and a rich street life and plenty of football and somba music.
As you see , for me Rio de Janeiro isn`t a beatiful place for going , because of this reasons , so before before going think twice.

Article: Life in Argentina/Exam

Argentina is a very nice country in America where it is wonderful to live. Life in Argentina is great. You have a lot of nice people around you and you have very good food also. You can play any sport you want. For example, football, rugby, or any other sport here.
In Argentina, you can also visit a lot of places such us the Aconcagua, the continental ice and a lot of geological places. There are also a lot of historical places to visit such us museums and historical cities.


  CAP stands for Common Agricultural Policy, this was set up in 1962 in Europe. When it started , some of the objectives were: to create a single market in which agricultural products could move freely, to give financial support to farmers. To increase the average of field size, farm size and farmers income. In this Essay we are going to talk about the advantages and disadvantajes of the CAP.
  The advantajes are the following: many people canhave a job, so, more money enters, p´rices of things are not high, and therefore everyone can buy things. Farmers, instead of having a life, a hardworking life, they have a "normal" life, and they have more free-time.
  The disadvantages of the Common Agricultural Policy(CAP) are the following ones: there was an increase in food prices, peripheral farm units were still small and often uneconomic, high costs of subsidies, farmers spent insufficient time woking in farms and the destruction of hedges to create larger fields destroyed wildlife and increased the risk of soil erosion. The ones that weren´t involves in the CAP didn´t suffered all this.
  As we can see the Common Agricultural Policy(CAP) brought advantages and disadvantages for the market.